Low - Basic Content Security Filtering (Minimum Recommended)
Medium - Security + Pornography Filtering (Work Place Recommended)
High - Security + Pornography + Mature Content Filtering (School Place Recommended)
There is also the option to domain white-list a site that allows for viewing a particular site that may be blocked by a given filter, i.e. allowing access to a gambling site if the client is involved in a gambling operation and needs access to that site. Additionally, there is a feature known as domain black-listing which will block a site from being viewed if it isn't already blocked by the filter level, i.e. blocking www.facebook.com if it isn't being blocked by the content filter enabled. After enabling the content filter add-on service , the domain white-list/black-list can be accessed by going into the site overview page, then by clicking the general settings option. The page will then show both the white and black-list as shown in the picture below. Adding a white-list or black-list domain is as easy as clicking the + button next to the option and typing in the domain that needs to be black or white-listed!