Bandwidth - This is the daily throughput in Megabits per second averaged for all sites. Download throughput is shown as a darker orange line, while Upload throughput is represented by a lighter orange line.
Locations - This map displays the geographical location (as entered in the site information) of all sites.
Sites Reachable - The amount of sites that are currently reachable for this account.
Average Latency - The average latency across all sites in this account.
Average Jitter - Jitter is the difference between the lowest and 95th percentile latency measurements in the past 24 hours. 95 percentile means that the top 5% of latency measurements are ignored, so that infrequent spikes do not skew the result. This is the average jitter across all sites.
Average Packet Loss - This is the percentage of ping failures versus the total number of pings in the past day.
Average MOS Rating - This is the mean opinion score of all VoIP calls on network averaged across all sites.
Account Warnings - The Account Warnings display will show sites with abnormal behavior, such as connectivity problems, failovers, hardware issues, and network warnings.
Blocked Attacks - This will show attacks being blocked by all of the firewall locations for this account.
Bandwidth Breakdown - This will show the bandwidth usage of individual sites located within this account.
Service Breakdown - This display will show the top 10 most used services across the sites located within this account.