Setting up vMPLS is a snap. From the Account page scroll down to the vMPLS Groups header. Click the plus + on the upper right.

In order to be in the same vMPLS group, the devices will all need the same /16 LAN subnet. For example, in order to be eligible to be in the same vMPLS group the sites would all need to have 192.64.X.X (i.e.,, etc…) When the sites sync again, they will now be part of an active vMPLS group (usually syncs happen within 5 minutes, but please verify that you see that the sites you have selected have updated on their sync times since the creation of the group at their respective Site Overview pages).

Types of vMPLS

Type 1 - This is a traditional hub and spoke model where our algorithms will choose the best host out of the sites connected to the group. All sites will speak through the Host and then back out to the other sites. A new host will be selected if the old host goes offline or experiences connection issues.

  1. Requires one (1) Active Site with direct access to the Internet (i.e. Bridged, pass-through, unNATted connection, etc.) to act as the Host. 
  2. Works even if other sites are on Double NAT.
  3. Does not work with vLANs. 
  4. If the Host is the ONLY site with direct access to internet, please expect the sites to be down.


Type 2 - This is a full mesh group where each site is connected to each site. We recommend using type 2 for most situations.

  1. Requires all sites to have direct access to the internet. Does not have a host.
  2. Does not work well with NATted infrastructures
  3. Works with vLANs as long as vLANs follow IP Guidelines mentioned above. Rules may be necessary for inter-LAN communications.
  4. Will actively change IP addresses for sites that are Dynamic

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